Tarasin (1)
Basic info

First appearance: Eye of the Sun : A Cularin Presence (WotC)


The Tarasins were a bipedal, sapient reptilian species indigenous to Cularin. They were remotely related to the gigantic kilassin. They were 1.6 to 1.7 meter-tall reptilians covered in translucent scales that allowed the species' color-changing skin below to show through. Tarasins also had a colorful fan of flesh and scales - known as a kampo - that opened around their heads when they experienced strong emotional distress, which could be a detriment to negotiations, as it was difficult for a Tarasin to hide discomfort. This color-changing ability was useful for camouflage and communication, and the scales naturally repelled heat. Some examples of colors they took on included being brown when calm and in a comfortable environment, or becoming red after extended exertion or when excited. Tarasin also had short tails and short spines that protruded from their forearms - known as a sa'tosin - which gave the creatures the ability to sense the use of the Force. Tarasins were naturally curious and protective but also slow to anger. What they lacked in sheer physical strength they made up for with a brilliant intellect.

Complete list

0623 : Enhance : Hate
SWTCG : Cards
0623 : Enhance : Hate
The Believers
[Original art]

Last updated: 04.05.2021 17:34:16